Page 3 - NOMADS_NO2_2015
P. 3

FROM THE EDITOR ...............................................
If there was any doubt about who the boss is, Mother Nature served up a brutal 2010 winter as a reminder. While cabin fever was in full effect, dreams of Spring began to take shape in our conscious daily life.
The Big Easy kicked off Mardi Gras celebrations, the Trinidadians paraded around in butterfly wings and the Brazilians have now taken to the streets in full feathered regalia for Carnival.
In the North Africa and the Middle East, dreams of democracy also took shape in the people’s daily life. A multitude of generations throughout the region are now in the process of taking their countries and destinies into their own hands.
In this Spring issue of Nomads we are celebrating the idea of cultural evolution, with features about Harlem Jazz clubs, Egyptian Bedouins, African Masquerades, and life beyond war in Iraq.
As the seasons are changing, the world is changing. We hope you hang on for the wild ride.
Live, Transform, Inspire,
- Lauri Lyons

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